Weekly Bulletin
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Bethlehem E-Mail
February 14, 2025
Small & Large Group Bible Study
Our Bible Study groups continue this Sunday morning for all ages that meet on campus at 9:30 a.m. Other groups meet off campus during the week. For more information, or to sign up, please contact the church office.
Children's Kidz Zone: Children's Bible Group Time
Our Kidz Zone Group Time begins at 9:30 a.m. this Sunday. Praise time begins at 10:20 a.m.
Sunday, February 16th, Worship Services
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Adult choir rehearsal will be on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. in the choir room. If you desire to make a joyful noise for the glory of God, come join us!
Youth (Grades 7-12)
Our Youth will meet this Sunday evening at 6:00.
AWANA continues this week on Sunday at 6:00 pm. All children age 2 thru 6th grade are welcome. Church membership is NOT required, so be sure to invite family, friends and neighbors. The theme this week is: Crazy Glasses Night.
Church Office Closed
The church offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents' Day.
Bread Of Bethlehem Senior Adult Fellowship
Everyone age 55 and over is invited and encouraged to attend the Bread of Bethlehem Senior Adult Fellowship on Tuesday, February 18th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be celebrating God's Love. Please bring your favorite covered dish meal and dessert to share.
Nursing Home Outreach
If you would like to bring the love, joy and comfort of Jesus Christ to the residents of Carolina Rivers Nursing & Rehab Center on Onslow Drive, please plan to join us on Tuesday, February 18th, at 1:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Jody Davis at 910-265-0771.
Junior Camp Sign-up
Attention parents of 3rd-6th graders: The signup sheet for Junior Youth Camp (June 23-27) is in the Library Hallway. Please sign up ASAP if you want your child to attend.
BBC Church Cookbook Update
Thank you to everyone who submitted recipes for our new church cookbook. We exceeded our goal of 500 recipes! We hope to begin pre-sales within the next few weeks. The estimated delivery date is mid-April. Cookbooks will be $25 each.
Valentine's Banquet Update
Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported our Youth at the Valentine's Banquet. Thank you also to those who were unable to attend but made a donation. Thanks to your generosity we have collected $5,200 so far. This will be used to pay for our World Changers mission trip to Chesapeake, Virginia in July.
Stewardship Report
Weekly Budget Requirements: Undesignated Funds $14,902.00
Last Week’s Offerings: Undesignated $12,796.02 Designated $852.00
Our Mission and Ministry as a Southern Baptist Missionary Church is important in honoring God and helping His people. Here are ways to continue your financial support:
1. Our Church Website – www.bbcjaxnc.com
2. EasyTithe app on your smartphone
3. Text the word “GIVE” to 910-507-1212
4. Online at https://app.easytithe.com/app/giving/Beth9999131
5. Set up bill pay through your bank or credit union (this is the only method that ensures the church gets 100% of your donation)
6. Drop off at the church office
7. Mail to the church at 100 Half Moon Church Road, Jacksonville, N.C. 28546
Thanks to everyone who continued their support this past week!
Coming Events
Presidents' Day - February 17th
Church Office Closed - February 17th
Bread Of Bethlehem Senior Adult Fellowship - February 18th
Nursing Home Outreach - February 18th
BBC Go! Ladies Meal Prep For Seniors - February 22nd
BBC Mission Market - March 2nd
Sundae Sunday - March 2nd
Senior Adult Selma Theatre Trip - March 6th
Youth D-Now Weekend - March 7 & 8
Daylight Savings Time Begins - March 9th
Doughnut & Coffee Sunday - March 9th
N.R.B.A. VBS Clinic - March 11th
BBC Quarterly Church Conference - March 19th
Golf Tournament Fundraiser - April 11th
Yard Sale Fundraiser - May 31st
Youth Fuge Camp - June 16-20
Junior Youth Camp - June 23-27
A Final Thought…
"The church is an oasis of hope in a desert of hopelessness. You need the church, and the church needs you!" - Greg Laurie
Our Bible Study groups continue this Sunday morning for all ages that meet on campus at 9:30 a.m. Other groups meet off campus during the week. For more information, or to sign up, please contact the church office.
Children's Kidz Zone: Children's Bible Group Time
Our Kidz Zone Group Time begins at 9:30 a.m. this Sunday. Praise time begins at 10:20 a.m.
Sunday, February 16th, Worship Services
- Please join us for our worship service at 11:00 a.m. and Children's Church.
- Pastor Damon Williamson will deliver our message in the sanctuary. Our service will also be available via Facebook Live. The link to Facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/Bethlehem-Baptist-Church-121449824532370/ .
- In addition, our 11:00 a.m. service will be broadcast on Radio Station WJCV, 98.3 FM and 1290 on your AM radio dial. However, these services were recorded one week prior to broadcast time.
- Our hymn of faith at the morning service is "When We All Get to Heaven".
- The choir special will be "Jerusalem".
- The scripture verses this Sunday are Revelation 2:1-7 - "Ephesus: The Church Where Love Was!".
- Please join us at 6:00 p.m. for our Sunday evening Bible Study.
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Adult choir rehearsal will be on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. in the choir room. If you desire to make a joyful noise for the glory of God, come join us!
Youth (Grades 7-12)
Our Youth will meet this Sunday evening at 6:00.
AWANA continues this week on Sunday at 6:00 pm. All children age 2 thru 6th grade are welcome. Church membership is NOT required, so be sure to invite family, friends and neighbors. The theme this week is: Crazy Glasses Night.
Church Office Closed
The church offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents' Day.
Bread Of Bethlehem Senior Adult Fellowship
Everyone age 55 and over is invited and encouraged to attend the Bread of Bethlehem Senior Adult Fellowship on Tuesday, February 18th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be celebrating God's Love. Please bring your favorite covered dish meal and dessert to share.
Nursing Home Outreach
If you would like to bring the love, joy and comfort of Jesus Christ to the residents of Carolina Rivers Nursing & Rehab Center on Onslow Drive, please plan to join us on Tuesday, February 18th, at 1:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Jody Davis at 910-265-0771.
Junior Camp Sign-up
Attention parents of 3rd-6th graders: The signup sheet for Junior Youth Camp (June 23-27) is in the Library Hallway. Please sign up ASAP if you want your child to attend.
BBC Church Cookbook Update
Thank you to everyone who submitted recipes for our new church cookbook. We exceeded our goal of 500 recipes! We hope to begin pre-sales within the next few weeks. The estimated delivery date is mid-April. Cookbooks will be $25 each.
Valentine's Banquet Update
Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported our Youth at the Valentine's Banquet. Thank you also to those who were unable to attend but made a donation. Thanks to your generosity we have collected $5,200 so far. This will be used to pay for our World Changers mission trip to Chesapeake, Virginia in July.
Stewardship Report
Weekly Budget Requirements: Undesignated Funds $14,902.00
Last Week’s Offerings: Undesignated $12,796.02 Designated $852.00
Our Mission and Ministry as a Southern Baptist Missionary Church is important in honoring God and helping His people. Here are ways to continue your financial support:
1. Our Church Website – www.bbcjaxnc.com
2. EasyTithe app on your smartphone
3. Text the word “GIVE” to 910-507-1212
4. Online at https://app.easytithe.com/app/giving/Beth9999131
5. Set up bill pay through your bank or credit union (this is the only method that ensures the church gets 100% of your donation)
6. Drop off at the church office
7. Mail to the church at 100 Half Moon Church Road, Jacksonville, N.C. 28546
Thanks to everyone who continued their support this past week!
Coming Events
Presidents' Day - February 17th
Church Office Closed - February 17th
Bread Of Bethlehem Senior Adult Fellowship - February 18th
Nursing Home Outreach - February 18th
BBC Go! Ladies Meal Prep For Seniors - February 22nd
BBC Mission Market - March 2nd
Sundae Sunday - March 2nd
Senior Adult Selma Theatre Trip - March 6th
Youth D-Now Weekend - March 7 & 8
Daylight Savings Time Begins - March 9th
Doughnut & Coffee Sunday - March 9th
N.R.B.A. VBS Clinic - March 11th
BBC Quarterly Church Conference - March 19th
Golf Tournament Fundraiser - April 11th
Yard Sale Fundraiser - May 31st
Youth Fuge Camp - June 16-20
Junior Youth Camp - June 23-27
A Final Thought…
"The church is an oasis of hope in a desert of hopelessness. You need the church, and the church needs you!" - Greg Laurie